PHP support a large number of built in string we consider the basic function for
printing string
SL NO | NAME | description | example |
1 | Strlen() |
To get string lengthreturn the length of the string on succes,and 0 if the string is empty |
$str = 'abcdef'; echo strlen($str);the output will be 6 |
2 |
Strops() |
FIND position of first occurense of a stringitem to be searched . if item is not a string . it is a converted to and integer and appliedd as the ordinal value of a character |
$mystring ='abc'; $findme = 'a'; $pos = $strpos($mystring,$findme);the output will 0 |
3 |
strrpos() |
Find the posistion of the last occurense of a substring in a stringReturn the numeric position of the last occurense of data in the string , return false if the item was not found |
$mystring ='abcda'; $findme = 'a'; $pos = strrpos($mystring,$findme);the output will 4 |
4 |
Strcmp() |
Binery safe string comparingstrcmp ($str1,$str2)This function return < 0 if str1 is less than str2;>0 if str1 is greater than str2, and 0 if they are equal note that this comparison is case sensitive |
$string1 = "abc"; $string2 = "abcd"; $value = strcmp ($string1,$string2); if($value < 0) { echo "string1 is lesthan $string2"; } else { echo "string1 is greaterthan $string2"; }the output will be string1 is lesthan abcd |